ANNULMENT has a mechanism for canceling an order (in whole or in part) that has already been registered. For any cancellation of an order (in whole or in part) you must send an e-mail to This feature is offered to you until we inform you about the shipment of your order.

Attention, the sending by the user / customer of his order to the Company is the proposal to the latter for the preparation of the sales contract, and the sending by the Company to the user / customer of the receipt of the said order, is an acceptance by the Company of the proposal for the preparation of the said contract, which is considered to have been drawn up only by the sending by Cereria Molla of the receipt of the order. The exhibition of Cereria Molla products on the website of its online store is not a proposal to the user / visitor for concluding a sales contract.

The parcel that Cereria Molla sends to the user / customer in execution of his order is accompanied by a detailed retail receipt or invoice.

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